
Marking the time, postmarks in my personal calendar. Postmarks which indicate a specific date or time in my personal calendar.

Postmark January 1.1Postmark February 1.3

Over the years 2020 – 2023, I have iteratively designed and fine-tuned my personal calendar. Adapting it to better suit my needs and preferennces, and the goals I like to achive in life.

The result is a calendar that is divided into periods of seasons, holidays, important dates to remember or celebrate, and dates associated with my own personal traditions. By using the same calendar year after year, we continue to accumulate memories and insights from previous years, building upon them.

The postmarks on my envelopes are serving as indicators of these particular dates or periods that I have recorded in my personal calendar. I refer to these dates and periods as an ‘orientation point’ or [Reg:] in the annual calendar. Each has its unique postmark rubberstamp.

Postmark February 2.1Postmark February 2.2Postmark March 3.2Postmark July 7.1

The idea, not the style!

Initially, the aesthetics of the postmarks held no significance from an artistic standpoint. The paramount importance lies in the profound concept that each postmark represents. Their purpose is to act as carriers of ideas, stimulating the execution of scheduled events in my personal calendar.

However, as I continue to refine the aesthetics of the bigger picture in my story, there is a possibility that the postmarks may undergo future transformations. As I delve deeper into this artistic journey, the postmarks may evolve to complement the overall aesthetic vision.